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Bundle of Four Baby Comforters, Organic Cotton Fair Trade

A bundle of four organic cotton baby comforters - four miscellaneous designs with a reduced wholesale price. Please note that the comforters in the photograph are for illustration purposes only and do not indicate which designs you will receive. PLEASE NOTE. Our comforters are made using organic fabrics left over from the manufacture of baby clothes. These baby comforters are the perfect size size - small enough to be safe but large enough to be a gripped and carried. Perfect if you are looking for vegan baby gifts. There are many experts that believe babies sleep better when they have a comforter, as they feel safe and more relaxed when they have their special toy with them Lots of babies naturally adopt a beloved and special toy which they carry with them during the day and which then goes in to the cot at night time to help them sleep. When choosing a comforter for your baby make sure that it is cotton as this is a breathable fabric and also machine washable which is particularly important if it is to be your baby’s constant companion. Also make sure that it is not a beanie stuffed with small parts which could come out if split.
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