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Mastodon Knitted Dinosaur Baby Rattle Moss Green

Our latest member of our dinosaur toy and baby rattle family is the Mastodon. It is inspired by the American mastodon, which was a large, elephant-like mammal that lived in North and Central America approximately 10,000 years ago. This mastodon baby rattle is designed to entertain and stimulate the senses of infants. The rattle is made of safe and durable materials that are suitable for babies to play with. It is shaped like a mastodon dinosaur, when shaken, the rattle produces a gentle sound that is pleasing to the ears of the baby. The mastodon baby rattle is a perfect gift for parents who want to introduce their children to the wonders of prehistoric creatures in a fun and playful way. Our mastodon baby rattle is knitted, suitable from birth and machine washable.
mastodon rattle